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Frankenstein's Folly

Les élèves de troisième ont assisté à une représentation théâtrale en anglais le mercredi 24 avril dernier. Elles en ont rendu compte dans les articles ci-dessous :


Dance, song, humour, surprise, mystery, fun !

On Wednesday morning, we had the opportunity to attend, in the rotunda, a play created by the Oz company based on a famous work: the gothic and science-fiction novel written by Mary Schelley in 1818, Frankenstein.

In fact, except for the students who were on a school trip in Germany, all the year-10-pupils could enjoy the magnificent show.

"Frankenstein's Folly" is the name of this musical, it is performed by three American and Australian comedians: Ken Starcevic, Lexie Baker and Mitch Riley, with the French technician, Gautier Doussot, managing the light and sounds.

Each actor played at least two characters !

As expected, the musical was in English but it was also interspersed with short summaries in French to better follow the story if we hadn't understood all the words.

Finally, it was an unforgettable experience thanks to the excellent comedians (who switched characters very quickly, played them and sang very well !), beautiful sets, a superb-staging, interaction with the public and a funny twist ! We didn't see the time pass as we enjoyed the show !

Cylia T. et André B.

The incredible musical, performed by the Oz Company

First of all, the musical we saw last Wednesday, adapted from Frankenstein’s novel, tells the story of a scientist who decides to prove that death isn’t final.

Then we loved this play, because a lot of soundtracks, special effects were involved, it was captivating. Furthermore, the intermissions were fast. The musicals were dynamic. There were also a lot of nuanced backdrops. The set was really realistic.

By the way, the actors involved the audience. Their acting, performance was of the highest quality. They were motivated, talented and they were very enthusiastic. We were completely immersed in the story.

If you are fan a science fiction, fun, gothic style mixed with a touch of humor, you should love this play and you must watch it. And if you can’t understand all the words, no worries, you can follow the story with summaries in French.

So what are you waiting for ?

Written by Lina and Naïma T., The 04/28/24

The incredible creature born of genius and madness

On Wednesday April 24th, we had the chance to attend a play in English on Frankestein. It was based on Mary Shelley’s novel.

In fact, this play was directed by a stage manager and three main actors who played several characters at once throughout the performance. That’s why the change of costumes in backstage had to be very quick.

Furthermore, the scenery was also quite realistic. It changed according to the scenes. There were also sound effects and smoke. We found ourselves immersed in this time.

Throughout the play, several songs (about eight songs) were as well invented, sung and danced by the actors themselves. In addition, between each intermission, there was a brief summary in French of the previous events to be sure that we understood the play.

            In summary, attending this play was an enriching and exciting experience for us. It made us discover the world of Frankestein in a more dynamic and enthusiastic way.

By A.L. and E.B-P.

Frankenstein’s folly, a play that is as scary as amusing !

On Wednesday, 24th, we, year 10 pupils attended the musical adapted from the novel of Mary Shelley : « Frankenstein » performed by the Oz company.

Everyone must see this play because the story is captivating, it relates the crazy experiments of Victor Von Frankenstein and how he succeeded to bring a dead person back to life by assembling several parts of a human body.

Moreover, the play is adapted not to be too long and even if you’re bad at English you should see this play because there are summaries in French that will help you to understand, so you can only improve your command of English.

We really recommend the play because we loved it, the music and the choreographies which were amazing and funny enliven the scenes and the performance of the actors !

So what are you waiting for ? Go see « Frankenstein’s folly » !

Elena et Lana S.

Voyage à Giens J3

Aujourd'hui, excursion en bateau à Porquerolles sous un ciel bleu et un soleil éclatant :


Droit à l'image oblige, voici une photo de groupe assez humoristique !

A travers les vignes, les pins parasol et les eucalyptus , en direction de la plage Notre-Dame